Tom & Laura Requadt
Serving in Fourou, Mali, West Africa
with World Venture
February 10, 2024
Dear Ministry Partner,
As for the subject line, no, we are not delving into some esoteric belief system, rather this is to let you know that we are just about to begin the final proof reading of the book of Hebrews, the author of which, like the cause of the lost Roanoke colony, remains a mystery to this day.
As for the translation, yes, this past couple of weeks Pastor Mamadou and I were able to do all the steps in the final read through of 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, except we were not able to quite finish the introduction to Philemon by the end of our session on Friday. God willing, this Monday we will complete Philemon and then begin the final proof reading of Hebrews.
As you can imagine, Hebrews as it is tied very much to the Old Testament in showing that Christ as our sovereign high priest who mediates the new covenant is superior to angels, Moses, the sacrificial system, priests, old covenant, etc., there are a lot of Scripture references in the footnotes and section headings. So, it will take a while to wade through all of these to see if we want to keep the ones there or maybe add some others. When this is done, we will begin the final read through of the first of the General Epistles.
So, please continue to lift up Pastor Mamadou and myself before the throne of grace that we would not become fatigued in this task, but rather be very attentive to all the details involved in a final proof reading. We really desire a translation that faithfully adheres to and communicates the original text and that is clear and natural in Shempire. Please pray that this would be so.
In Christ,
Tom R
Truth and knowing truth is the ultimate existence of man. (Psalm 51:6)
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